
Jack E

Well-Known Member
A few days ago, I waved back at a woman who I thought was waving at me - only to realise that she was waving at someone else. To avoid embarrassment, I kept my hand up as though I was flagging down a taxi, and one stopped. The cabbie looked at my music case, which he assumed was a very upmarket lap-top case, and his eyes lit up at the thought of a big fare.
"Manchester Airport, mate?"

I didn't have the heart to say no, so off we went. When we got to the terminal, I thought it would look silly if I got out of a taxi which brought me there, and immediately got into one which left, so I wandered into the concourse.

At this point, a very anxious-looking check-in operator rushed up to me and said:
, I said, but before I could say any more, she grabbed my arm and hustled me through the loading bay, saying "We've been holding the flight for you, as the President's PA told us how important your conference is!"

I'll let you know where I'll be living, once the authorities sort out my permanent residence visa. Until then, you can reach me, Poste Restante, at the following address:

The British Embassy, Kawalerii 12, 00-468 Warszawa, Poland.

Miłego dnia, przyjacielu!
