Post # 100000


Staff member
Is this it? ;)

Was trying to think of something deep and meaningful to say, but had to be quick and failed ;)

I'll just say Hurrah for tMP instead!



Active Member
no we're still over 1000 short... although if you get to count all those shady moderator forums as well then I suppose it could be...


Active Member
Can us mere mortals still fight for our 100000 post, which doesn't count such unforgettable moments as "Should we ban [blank]?" and the supporting cast of Threads That Had To Be Deleted?

Sorry, not mocking your work... although the thought of Rachel putting in hard work... :?

Congratulations on your (slightly dubious) landmark post!


Active Member
lynchie said:
Sorry, not mocking your work... although the thought of Rachel putting in hard work... :?

how rude lynchie....for that comment you can can me a drink for every hour I have put into Flixton's website :lol: I shall never have to buy a drink again at band :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


Active Member
Keppler said:
Is this it? ;)

Was trying to think of something deep and meaningful to say, but had to be quick and failed ;)

I'll just say Hurrah for tMP instead!


Did you spend all day hanging around tMP waiting for an opportunity to post this then Kepps?


Naomi McFadyen

New Member
Wouldn't surprise me Kirsty :lol:

I would have tried to beat you to it Kepps, but some people (namely me :p :lol:) had to dismantle their puters today and travel... :-( :cry:

I'll get the 200,000th post instead ;-)


Staff member
all day? all day?! I'll have you know I've was waiting almost 18 months for that particular moment, and ye go and spoil it for me! Bah!

p.s. Some of the above may be slight exaggeration, or complete fabrication, or both....


Active Member
tMP users have posted a total of 99285 articles

Since the 100000 article you posted did include the Mods discussions, is the USERS count still up for grabs?