Looking for Sheet Music: The Acrobat, Midnight Euphonium


New Member
Hi All,

Sorry if this is posted under the wrong forum. But I'm looking for pdf solo parts for The Acrobat, and Midnight Euphonium, I had bought both of them but stupid me has left them at my dads house who can't them to me in time for when I need them :(, can anyone be of help?


Well-Known Member
The acrobat pdf is currently to be found on facebook in the "Acrobat Challenge". Can you access this? Not sure it is the complete version though. :)


New Member
The acrobat pdf is currently to be found on facebook in the "Acrobat Challenge". Can you access this? Not sure it is the complete version though. :)
thankyou for the quick reply! i looked under the pdfs but unfortunately it's not the full version

Anglo Music Press

Well-Known Member
The Acrobat is still very much in copyright, so it might be best to contact the publisher about this. Midnight Euphonium is published by Studio Music, who might well help you out if you contact them.