Looking For a Good band for whit Friday on Euph


New Member
Hey guys

My bands not doing Whit Friday and i love going. :roll: Really hoping that theres a band, preferebly in the champ section that needs a euph player. :D

Get back to me if anyones interesed :arrow:

Kim Thorp

01772 468764


I must admit I was thinking of putting a note to the same effect, but you've got in there first :)

Anyone want "another" Euph? I'm not so fussed about the section (but wouldn't mind playing in a Championship band again - its been a few years!!).

I could also play during the day (but would hope to play in the evening as well to make the haul from the Thames valley worthwhile).




New Member
hehe we'll both keep fingers crossed. there must be bands that need quality euph players like ourselves :roll: :D lol


Well, well, well. You two are very lucky people! Littleborough Public Brass Band are currently looking for a euph player (or two!) for Whit Friday.

I know you are looking for high section bands and we are only 4th, but let me sell us to you!

We are friendly, dedicated, and most importantly on Whit Friday, go out for a great time! We would welcome anyone interested in having a good blow and a laugh, and as you are travelling I'm sure I could sort out somewhere to lay your weary heads on Friday night!

Hope this is some help to you,

Matt Bailey, M.D. Littleborough Band.


New Member
thanx but i've actually found a band to play for now. I'm playing 2nd euph for Yorkshire I Imps now. :D yey x

Di B

The MAtlock Band is going down for the Whit Fridays and I could do with a helping hand on euphonium!

It is a bit of a scratch band.... the cornet section is from a TA band based that neck of the woods and the bottom half of the band is MAtlock and friends.

We are going for the beer primarily it has to be said! :D

Let me know if you are interested.
