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Like I said, we know everything.

Obviously you are a little surprised by this so I suggest you go back into the house, and unpack your suitcase which is waiting for you.

Thank you Ben.
Seeing as 2nd man down has now missed 2 calls to enter the Diary Room, he has until 10am tomorrow morning to make this up to BB - in any way he deems fit - otherwise, Arthudders will be removed from tMP - FOR GOOD!

Over to you 2nd man down! :terrier

2nd man down

Staff member
I'm here!!!, I'm here!!! Blimey, you just get sat down to do the business and they start calling you!!

(checks to make sure ther'e no trail of loo paper dragging beind having rushed from the bog!)

I'm really sorry BOC Brother I wasn't aware I was being called...And if it's any consolation if I wasn't a terrier I'd be a Kop-ite.

Pleeeeaaaase don't harm Arthudders, I'm begging you.

2nd man down

Staff member
Aaaarrrgh!!! Good god Sellers_Girl what are you doing hiding in here, I nearly passed away then!!! You frightened me half to death.

2nd man down

Staff member
Oh and I'm very impressed with the BOC Brother avatar, very nice, and er...i cleaned the jacuzzi, and er..Sellers Girl, will you stop that, there's people reading this!!
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